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Charisma of action, mystical charisma, neo-Umma 1 source of European Jihadism. The example of Toulouse and its region 2. Abderrahim El Janati

29 décembre 2021

In "Family and Jihadism. A Socio-Anthropological Approach to the French Experience". By Jérôme Ferret, Farhad Khosrokhavar. Chapter 4|21 pages



Since the attacks in Toulouse in March 2012, the focus has been on the Muslim cleric and his alleged involvement in the construction of the Islamist and jihadophile family. The choice of this case study is motivated by an almost perpetual questioning. It is a question of knowing how a simple individual is transformed into an essential actor and how this actor, by his charisma, becomes over time a model and a source of inspiration, even an architect of the Islamist movement and an influential father within the jihadophile family. In a Weberian and Goffmanian sociological approach, we have tried to analyse the construction of the charisma of the Muslim cleric in two different spaces: The urban and the rural. At the same time, we have tried to explain how the Islamist and jihadophile family is constructed in an institutional space (Mirail Mosque) and in a confraternity (Artigat).

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