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Space Talk's 2020 : Pacman Space Games: Is the US deal flow wave to cross over the Ocean ?

December 3, 2020
4:30 to 6:30


SIRIUS workshops are held every year in the Assemblée room of the Région Occitanie hotel. They are organised by the SIRIUS Chair, a business chair linking Toulouse 1 Capitole University, Toulouse Business School, CNES, Aibus Defense and Space, and Thales Alenia Space.

The acceleration of technological progress in the space sector raises major questions. Is this acceleration real or only felt? How to measure it? What could be the consequences from the point of view of industrial strategies? In which areas of space activities can such an acceleration be anticipated? What will the pace be? The SIRIUS Chair's research team takes stock of all these questions and tries to provide useful answers, with the help of five keynote speakers from different geographical horizons, sectors and scientific disciplines.

Presentations are made in English, but discussions are held in both French and English. They are addressed to all those interested in accelerating the progress of space technologies and in the very rapid development of a new industrial, economic and financial ecosystem.


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